Welcome to my blog where I post at random intervals to brag about something that I have made, tell you about my family, whine about something that bugs me or just generally ramble!
For 2010 I thought that it would be great for us who sew to be challenged a little or a lot- depending on what takes your interest.
So each month I will be posting a challenge. Each month you (the blogger) can sign up for the challenge. It would be fun to blog about your challenge thought the month, but its not essential.
You can participate each month, or just for one month, depending on what your life is throwing at you at the time.
The first sign up will be in the first (starting the 1st) of each month, and ‘presenting’ your projects will be in the last week of each month. (again there are no rules)
But remember… it is to challenge you. So if you think “oh no I cant insert zips” maybe that’s the month that you sign up so that you can learn.
At the end of the month blog your project, even if its still a WIP. There will also be a flickr group HERE so that you can scroll through projects quickly- or if you want to join in but dont have a blog.
I will try and include free patterns and tutorials to help you along your way. Im still learning too!
There will also be some free giveaways at random times!
The challenges are:
January: something for me
February: something in knit
March: softie
April: something lined
May: enclosed zip
June something self designed or drafted.
July: something with pleats
August: hand embroidery/ smocking
September: bag
October: refashioned (visit your op-shop and create something new!)
November: Something for the Christmas tree
December: sharpen your skills on one of the challenges!
Thank you to Romi for the button and to Tracy and Suzanne for being a sounding board for the challenges.
So... Would love for you to be involved as little or as much as your life can take. Feel free to send me an email or comment if you have any questions or ideas.
sounds fun- the first one- something for me, well, that is a challenge!!
Oh this is an excellent idea! The first one is easy, I have a new pattern that i want to try!
Certainly in for the 1st one as my first project is for me!
I'm in for this too, will keep me motivated and help me attempt those "impossible" tasks
Count me in too- OFf to add these into my list:)
I am in!! Something for me.... most of the stuff I make is for the kids so I'm looking forward making something for me :)
Thanks for this Carolyn!
I'm in but won't be able to join in till March as I am moving in January and the machine has gone to bed :( and in feb I will be overseas so March though I am in.
Nice one chicky! I'm in! Popping your button on my blog now xoxo
Excellent, I'm in, I guess I'll have to learn how to knit?? Oh My! lol ...
Sounds great!! Can't wait to join in!! Think I already know what I'm gonna do for me.
Carolyn thanks for the invite, sounds like fun. I love the something for me!!! I never do those LOL.
wow what a great idea - and if I do them all I'll be able to say I made 12 things in 2010 unlike this year
Ooh, I'm in. January might be tricky as we're moving at the end of the month and the sewing stuff is kind of buried, but I'll see if I can think of a small 'me' project.
Will there be a blogring for it or something so we can surf about and see everyone's?
oooh Im in! The first one is a challenge, I know what I want to make for me but its hard to put all the kids stuff and present making aside. I will though
I'm in, this is exactly what I'm looking for. I have loads of ideas for the comming year but procrastination is my friend, this will help me to sort it out. I'll even start the blog I've been promising myself for ages!
What a great idea! This is the first time I visit your blog and I'm so happy I did! I'm not sure how I got here, but anyway, count me in for the challenge. I've been meaning to make me a new bag (from a new pattern) for almost a year now. So this is going to be my first challenge.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! This is a great idea and right on time for me!!
I'm in, although may have to skip the in knit one unless a scarf is ok??
OOh I am so IN!!! January for sure, my resolution is one item per week so I should be able to do this as well!!! I definitely need some new clothes for going back to work so something for me in Jan is great!
I'm in! Not sure if I'll manage January with a bub due any day, but will do my best. Looks like fun!
Im going to attempt doing this one!! Thanks for the great opportunity to do something fun :D
Count me in too, of course!!
Sounds good fun, although not sure about the knitting....having knitted for half of my life I have decided not to take it up again now it is back in fashion...I did knit a couple of scarves when the fancy wools came in a few years back but I might cheat and substitute crochet....wool and Feb and Australia is a lousy mix.
sounds like fun, I'm up for a challenge this year. My resolution is to suck it and see with everything.
I'll be in for this! Sounds like fun :)
I finally worked out how to copy a button - yay again a new task learned already in 2010. Thanks C
sounds like fun!!
I can't do January but will definately join in for some of the other months!
...I can't say I'm thrilled by the prospect of pleats or enclosed zips... but count me in anyway! ;)
This is great...I'm in. I'm new to the Blogging World and one of my new year resoltions to be more creative and think outside the square and learn new things....cant wait to start,..now, if I can just pick a month...!!
I love this idea and Im so IN!!
What a fantastic idea, I'm in. This is going to be fun.
I am absolutely terrible at sewing but really wish I wasn't so I'm going to give it a go and hopefully learn some skills.
Great idea :)
Excellent idea, considering I can immediately think of a project that i've wanted to do for nearly all of those categories!
Great idea! Count me in :)
Ok, Carolyn, I'm jumping on. :)
I'm in, and have a project picked out already - just need to get fabric :)
sounds like fun count me in.
i have even bought fabric for me so so far so good hehe
yep i'm so in as well. :D
me too! I have a whole year (I hope) to do projects. I'm off to do something just for me--a pincushion to wear in the wrist.
I'm typically late to the party but I'm in! 10 days to sew something for myself, I'll see how I go.
Ok I'm in. I will have to get going won't I.
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