Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Making tea cup s and teddies in cars


 dont worry the next ones will have matching wheels.



 FYI they were selling these for $2.50 each at our local cafe.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Did November actually happen?

I seemed to have missed November...  I know that I did a blog post in there, but in my life November just has seemed to skip past me.

its been busy here in this wonderful household.

Doing what- I actually dont know.  I have done very little sewing (shock!)

I have spent some time at the dentist... I  know that!  My bank account knows that too!

Some time knitting- Acacia- very quick and easy knit.  In Bendigo Woolen Mills Spring Cotton.


taking kids to sport... cricket, swimming and karate

My biggest boy should be going up another grade soon- so proud of his efforts!

And now its December, and we are meant to be putting up the Christmas tree!